


1、2023(全国100所名校单元测试示范卷)高考英语 第十三套 听力


3、卷临天下2023《全国100所名校单元测试示范卷》·高三英语·全国人教N卷 第三套

假如你是高二某班的一名班长。你所在班级的 关系总体上很好,师生如同朋友、同学如同兄弟姐妹;但是,也存在一些问题,如有时因为学习压力大,有些同学容易发火导致和其他同学吵架,有时不听老师或家长的劝告等。针对这个情况,你在一次班会上首先介绍了当前的实际情况:好的方面和不够好的方面;然后向同学们提出了一些建议(至少两条)。

注意:1. 文章开头已给出,不计入总词数;

2. 词数:120左右。

Dear classmates,

Today, I would like to say something about the relationship between students in our class. Generally speaking, the relationship between students is good.








Dear classmates,

Today, I would like to say something about the relationship between students in our class. Generally speaking,,the relationship between students is good. Teachers and students are like friends. Classmates get on well like sisters and brothers. However, there exist some problems; some students are easy to get angry because of too much study stress. What’s worse, they sometimes quarrel with others, and even don’t listen to their parents’ and teachers’ advice, which is very disappointing.

In my opinion, we, as middle school students, should make every effort to improve this situation. First we should respect our teachers and parents as well as our classmates. Second, I think that having a chat with our friends is a good way to raise our spirits. Many times, problems can be solved if people understand each other better. Finally, we can relax after a day’s work by listening to some light music or by taking some exercise.


试题分析:本试题没有给定具体题目,但是按照题目要求,是要作为班长,来对大家进行劝导。但是题目提到了,首先要对现状进行介绍,所以写作时候要注意不能落下。还要按照题目要求就班上具体好的方面和不好的方面来写。亮点分析:本文抓住了中心和重点,首先提到了班级的现状,并且在后面提到了班级的一些好的方面和不好的方面,。运用了较多的短语如in my opinion,what’s worse,generally speaking,等来连接显示了作者扎实的基本功。最后的first,second,finally使得本文更具有逻辑性。本文还运用了插入语,如In my opinion, we, as middle school students, should make every effort to improve this situation.和定语从句如teachers’ advice, which is very disappointing. 来为本文增色。本文作者通条理清晰,观点明确,运用较多的词汇,体现了作者深厚的写作功底。问题说明:本文虽然运用的特色词汇较多,但是句式过于单一,所以建议能够添加一些复合句,还能加一些强调句或者倒装句来增色例如Only if we express our feelings,we will be more comfortable and it will be more easy for us to get good grades.It is ourselves that should be blame rather than our pressure 。




作者: admin



邮箱: email@wangzhan.com

